Machine Overhauling

Transforming old or semi old printing machines into high-performance machines through low-cost machine overhaul



Overhaul of old and semi old printing machines manufactured by Umetani

Overhaul of Umetani corrugated cardboard manufacturing equipment to become a new machine. Customers can purchase new machines or overhaul old printing machines that are currently in use.

Dismantling, repainting, and complete machine overhaul

Machine overhaul refers to the complete dismantling, washing, and painting process.
In addition, all electroplated parts are electroplated and exchanged with rubber rollers. 。
All bearings are exchanged. All engines are exchanged and those related to electric motors are exchanged, and all electrical equipment is overhauled.

Low price, significantly improved performance.

Compared to purchasing new equipment, overhauling a semi old printing machine is a cost-effective option to improve machine performance.



Contact us

Question and consultation concerning Corrugated Printing machine.
Please call without reserve.